Traveling This Summer? 5 Tips To Prevent Legal Problems If You're Stopped For A DUI

During the summer months, police are out in force trying to prevent drunk driving accidents. It's not uncommon to encounter DUI check-points, especially over holiday weekends. If you're caught in a check-point or pulled over for a traffic violation, you can reduce your chances of getting arrested by following five simple tips. These tips will help you avoid an unwanted confrontation with law enforcement officials.

Protect Your Privacy

When you're driving this summer, make sure that your privacy is protected at all times. That means that you should keep your private things well-hidden in your car. When you're stopped by a police officer, they can do a cursory eyes-only search of your car when they approach you. If they see something illegal in your car, they don't need a search warrant to confiscate the item if it's in plain view.

Be Courteous

Whenever you're approached by police officers, you should do your best to remain courteous. Acting hostile or belligerent will only serve to invite a confrontation between you and the officer. Be sure to politely provide any paperwork and documentation the officer requests – such as your driver's license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance.

Decline Requests for Searches

If a police officer asks your permission to search your vehicle, you should decline. In most cases, police officers will ask permission when they believe that you're hiding something but they don't have the evidence they need to facilitate a warrant-less search. If the officer searches you or your vehicle after you refuse, be sure to tell your attorney.

Ask if You Can Leave

If you're not sure whether you're being detained or not, ask the officer if you can leave. If they tell you that you can, leave immediately. However, if the officer says no, or changes the subject, you should assume that you're being detained. Continue to follow their instructions but be prepared to be placed under arrest.

Request an Attorney

Once you believe that you're about to be arrested, it's important that you request and attorney and then remain silent. Don't make any further statements or comments to the police officers. Once you've contacted an attorney, they'll let you know what to do next.

If you're going to be traveling this summer, be sure to follow all traffic laws. If you're stopped at a check-point or stopped for a DUI, follow the instructions provided here to help keep you out of trouble. If you are arrested, contact an attorney like one from Law Office Of  Lori Crystal, LLC as soon as possible. 
