Can You Still File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit If The Victim Was Unemployed?

There seems to be a misconception that family members can only file a wrongful death lawsuit against the liable party if the decedent earned income in some way. While it is true it is easier to ask for awards on the deceased person's income at the time of his or her death, you can still sue for damages even if the person never earned a dime in his or her life.

The Difference Between Your First DUI And Your Second

Getting arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) is always considered a serious charge. After all, when you drive while you are impaired, you could hurt yourself and others. Because it is considered a serious charge, courts take these charges even more seriously when a person is charged with a second DUI. Here are several things to understand about repeat DUI offenses. A First Charge Can Leave Major Consequences but Is Easier to Get Out Of

Who Can Investigate The Circumstances Of A Complicated Car Accident?

After a fatal car accident involving many complicating factors, it's hard to focus on the process of investigating the scene of the accident and gathering witness reports with you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. Understanding which parties can and will investigate the details of a complicated crash or collision helps you collect the evidence that's already on hand and fill in the gaps for a comprehensive case. Learn who can provide you with evidence, and who you can hire to gather more, to find out the truth about really happened during the accident.

About Getting Evicted Because Of Your Race

In the perfect world, everyone would love each other no matter which race they are. However, that is not the case and sometimes people are discriminated against because of their skin color. If you were evicted from an apartment after a new manager was hired and believe it is because of your race, you might have a civil rights case on your hands. You must prove that you were discriminated against in order to win a lawsuit, but a lawyer can help you out.

Why A Business Attorney Would Be A Wise Investment

If you are a business owner, you probably have a need to have your very own business attorney on retainer. If you are not yet sure as to how that would benefit you or your company, you will want to keep reading. Handles Employee Issues The small employee issues such as addressing tardiness are things you can handle on your own. The employee issues such as accusations of sexual harassment from another employee is something you should let your business attorney handle.