A Slip-And-Fall Accident Can Lead To A Debilitating Head Injury

One of the worst consequences of a slip-and-fall accident is that you might suffer from a serious brain injury. Afterward, the process of recovering might take days, months, or even years. To pay for all of these medical bills, you will need a personal injury attorney to help you reach a settlement. Take Care of Your Head Injury Immediately After your slip-and-fall accident, a personal injury attorney will encourage you to receive treatment as quickly as possible.

What You Should Know About Modified Comparative Fault And Car Accidents

When you are hurt in a car accident caused by another party, your plan to get compensation is to pursue damages from that party. Unfortunately, some car accidents will only get you partially compensated even when you are not at fault. Commonly known as modified comparative fault, many insurance companies use this method to reduce your payout. The point is to assign part of the blame on you for the accident.