Did You Really Know You Were Making A False Statement To A Government Official?

Lying to a federal government official is a crime. A person who makes a materially false statement both willfully and knowingly could face felony charges. A person who accidentally or unknowingly makes or, worse, is tricked into putting forth false statements may be found innocent in a court of law. A skilled defense attorney would have to provide clear evidence and a compelling argument the defendant never had intentions to deceive.

What Are Your Options When You're Hit By An Uninsured Trucker?

If you have recently been injured in a collision in which a semi or heavy duty truck driver was at fault, you may be wondering about your financial (and legal) next steps. Although the other driver's trucking insurance should help compensate you for any medical expenses incurred, there are a few situations in which this coverage may be compromised -- and in some cases, the trucker may even be driving without a valid insurance policy.

3 Things To Know When Starting The Divorce Process

Divorces are never easy. If you have never been through one, it can be especially challenging. When you start the process, it is important that you understand certain things about it to keep your expectations realistic.  There Are No Winners Some people go into the divorce process expecting to be declared the winner. However, there is rarely such thing as a winner and loser in the divorce.  The more decisions that need to be made about the end of your marriage, the less likely it is that you will walk away with everything that you want.

Filing For Divorce? 4 Reasons Mediation May Be In Your Best Interest

Now that you're going through a divorce, you've probably given a lot of thought about a settlement. You might have even given some thought to what you're willing to give so that you can get what you want. Your attorney may have discussed mediation with you. Before you say no to mediation, take a look at how it may benefit you. Less Expensive Than a Trial Sitting down with a mediator can save you hundreds of dollars on your legal fees, especially if you only need a couple of sessions to iron out the details.

Keeping All Of The Receipts And Paperwork: Evidence Needed In Product Liability Class Actions

Manufactures and sellers of all products are legally responsible for providing honest, and clear representation of their products. Product liability class actions are filed when consumers experience harm from the design, manufacturing or sale of a certain product. These cases offer the second-highest median amount of compensation for damages at approximately $300,000; however, to successfully file and build a strong case, it is important to keep all of the receipts and paperwork.