Recovering After An Auto Accident

If you or someone you love has been in an auto accident, you'll have to deal with the other motorist, his or her insurer, lawyers, doctors and many others, and you'll probably be without your car. Deciding to sue is never an easy choice; read on to learn when you should bring legal action after an auto accident. When to File Suit After an Auto Accident Although it's the insurer's job to protect the interests of policyholders, they're still there to make a profit.

Gym Policies Should Protect Members From Avoidable Injuries

A properly managed gym is one that always goes to great lengths to preserve the safety of its members. Commercial fitness establishments with lax safety policies and procedures may present avoidable liabilities. Members of a gym who are injured due to gross negligence, misconduct, poor advice, or lax oversight might wish to consider taking civil action. Gym Negligence Takes On Many Forms There are several ways in which a gym presents hazards to members.

What You Need To Know About Changing Your Name With Divorce

If you are getting divorced, you may have been asked by your attorney about changing your name. Many women go back to using their maiden name after a divorce, but changing your name can mean a lot of work to get everything updated correctly. If you are confused about how the name change works with divorce, read on for more information to help you make your decision. What You Need To Know:

Court Reporting: A Six-Figure Job With No College Degree

What is a court reporter? If you've ever watched a courtroom drama, you've probably seen someone sitting in the corner typing on a strange looking machine. Court reporters make transcripts of legal proceedings, and they are very much in demand. What Is the Job Market Like for Court Reporters? With 15 percent of court reporters on the brink of retirement, thousands of jobs will be opening up in the next few years.

Why It's A Good Idea To Avoid The Probate Process

When making estate succession plans, one of the things people get concerned about is how to avoid probate. Probate is the process of validating a will, identifying the assets, settling liabilities and transferring the assets to the beneficiaries. It seems important enough, so why would you want to avoid it? There are several reasons for this: To Reduce the Cost This is probably the primary reason people avoid probate. When leaving assets to your beneficiaries, you want them to get most if not all of them.